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 Post subject: Suspending Hang In Air For Playing
PostPosted: Sun May 31, 2009 3:43 am

Joined: Thu Apr 09, 2009 11:10 pm
Posts: 40
I bought a round bamboo base for a half moon shaped bamboo chair. The base is a bamboo cylinder shaped thing. I plan to suspend a loop of rope inside one end of the base with lots of individual pieces of rope so it will look like a bicycle wheel. Except the inner circle, suspended by all the "spokes" will be large enough to fit the Hang and suspend it in the air a few inches. Then, I will play the Hang and see how the sound resonates without resistance from my legs.

Has anyone tried this? What were your results? And is there any danger to the Hang from cradling it on a circle of rope? (Besides the Hang falling through the circle.) Does the rope rubbing against the Hang cause any negative effect?

 Post subject: Re: Suspending Hang In Air For Playing
PostPosted: Sun May 31, 2009 5:22 pm

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From my experience the Hang needs the contact with the tighs. When I put the Hang on a stand it sounds tinny. So if you want to put the Hang on something else than the tighs it needs contact to something similar to the contact properties of the tighs.

Regarding to the Gu it is important that the positioning of the Hang you want to try out is perfect for a 1st generation Hang with an F-Gu. In this position the Gu (F2) will resonate with the Ding (F3). For a 2nd generation or IH this position isn't so good because you cannot influence the Gu with your legs to lower it from F2 to D2 in order to get a resonance with the Ding (D3).


 Post subject: Re: Suspending Hang In Air For Playing
PostPosted: Sun May 31, 2009 5:52 pm

Joined: Sun Apr 05, 2009 1:15 pm
Posts: 53
Someone has done something similar and called it his "Hang Nest." Maybe it was Saggio?

 Post subject: Re: Suspending Hang In Air For Playing
PostPosted: Sun May 31, 2009 9:36 pm

Joined: Thu Apr 09, 2009 11:10 pm
Posts: 40
Ixkeys wrote:
For a 2nd generation or IH this position isn't so good because you cannot influence the Gu with your legs to lower it from F2 to D2 in order to get a resonance with the Ding (D3).


This is great stuff. One question: So, are you saying that a player's legs can change the note coming out of the Gu? If so, I'm having trouble understanding that.

 Post subject: Re: Suspending Hang In Air For Playing
PostPosted: Sun May 31, 2009 9:37 pm

Joined: Thu Apr 09, 2009 11:10 pm
Posts: 40
toddnmd wrote:
Someone has done something similar and called it his "Hang Nest." Maybe it was Saggio?


 Post subject: Re: Suspending Hang In Air For Playing
PostPosted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 3:34 am

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RedHang wrote:
Ixkeys wrote:
For a 2nd generation or IH this position isn't so good because you cannot influence the Gu with your legs to lower it from F2 to D2 in order to get a resonance with the Ding (D3).
This is great stuff. One question: So, are you saying that a player's legs can change the note coming out of the Gu? If so, I'm having trouble understanding that.

Practice holding the Hang vertically and strike the Ding repeatedly. Now while doing that move your hand in and out of the Gu, you will hear the Helmholtz resonance change in pitch as you do it. Listen for that subtle change and identify that change in your mind.

Now while you have the Hang on your lap (not cross legged, but on your lap with your knees fairly close together). Strike the spot between the ding and the tone fields with the meat of your fist. You'll hear that Helmholtz tone again. Now while you're striking the spot 'between notes' bring your knees closer together and farther apart. You'll hear that pitch change again. Now place your legs in such a way that the Helmholtz resonance is at a D below the Ding D (on a 2nd Gen hang or an Integral). Now you've 'activated' the Hang so that the Helmholtz resonance feeds off (and feeds) the D harmonics that come from the Ding and tone fields.

Fun stuff.

 Post subject: Re: Suspending Hang In Air For Playing
PostPosted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 9:59 am

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RedHang wrote:
This is great stuff. One question: So, are you saying that a player's legs can change the note coming out of the Gu? If so, I'm having trouble understanding that.

GotHang have given a nice advice.

Here is another method to detect the resonance between Ding and Gu:
Put the Hang on the floor. Then take the Hang with one Hand at the rim and lift it slowly from the floor while you set dampened blows to the Ding with the other hand.
You will hear the changing frequence of the bass tone and can adjust the position when Ding and Gu rings perfectly together.

And here is a whole topic in the Hang Forum about this with more information:
Adjusting the Gu while playing the Hang


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