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 Post subject: Scam warning Hang 107 and 4183
PostPosted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 9:06 am

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Joined: Mon Mar 30, 2009 8:13 am
Posts: 884
Location: Germany

A german forum member wrote this scam warning in the german forum part.
This is only my short translation with the quintessence.

At the moment a person Dirk Flieger offer two Hanghang on ... re/2363606 ... rt/2365885

The german forum member was in contact with the seller and he knows that the same person had announced these scam deals.

The photos , text, specifications from these offer are copys from old ebay auctions.
If you ask the seller if it is possible to pick up the hang in person, he will tell you that he is at the moment in another country and that he will ship the Hang only.
First you must pay the Hang with Western Union or somethin else.

The seller used in one case the e-mail

By the way. If you search for a Hang the best what you could do is to wrote Panart a letter and ask if they build a Hang for you.
The most people know that Panart dont tune or repair Hanghang if the seller has made a profit with the deal. I could only repeat this important information for the newbies.
If you have much luck and find a second hand Hang for the "original price" (the price the first buyer paid for this Hang) , it is a good idea to aks Panart for help. They can bring the Hang back in a fine balance, if it is needfull and you could be sure to have a nice Hang.

So, be carefull.


The hang brings back what we lost: we are touched by an unknown call (Felix Rohner - Panart).

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