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 Post subject: Criticism of different hang viewpoints
PostPosted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 10:59 pm

Joined: Thu Apr 09, 2009 11:10 pm
Posts: 40
I posted this response to criticisms of this web site on the Handpan website.

Can't we all just play the Hang and get along?

I'm not naive...I live in ultra conservative Utah in the of the few places where they still love George W. Bush. :roll:

May we speak with our music and not our voices.

Many have been hurt by words and deeds, but the rift in the Hang community will one day be healed, probably after we and the Hangmakers have died, and all the reasons for distrust will be forgotten, and our community will be made whole once again.

So, for now, be charitable in your criticisms and be forgiving in your actions.

 Post subject: Re: Criticism of different hang viewpoints
PostPosted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 2:27 pm

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in my eyes one of the problems is, that a few people confuse the issue.
They dont understand that some people want a open, fair and critical discussion.
This is possible without personal affronts against other members.
But a few people search for escalation and they use every chance to discredit this Forum and what is much more sad, also PANArt .
I understand that Haloplayers for example dont like it, if people make critical notes on some aspects of the Halo history. (The first "Handpan" makers...)
Yes, we all have different opinions and insights about the Hang. And it seems, that we have these "rift" in the Hangcommunity, you speak about @RedHang.
I remember, that this Forum is in the first line about the PANArt Hang.
For sure, there are a lot of topics interesting and needfull, about the impact from the Hang on other instruments.
Anybody is invited to share his thoughts and no member, moderator or admin has automatically the better arguments or more to say.
Any discussion is an interchange of ideas and arguments. This is what some people dont understand. Nobody make "Rules".
But behind different members are different interests. Some are simply about their economic. They fear to loose money or importance.
Others are maybe offended because of events in the foretime on the Forums and so on....

This Forum is well moderated. If any member make personally attacks against another member the moderators will delete this posting and they will ask the member if he could please remember, that on the other side is also an human and that personal attacks are not tolerated on this forum.
This is one of the few rules. To have different opinions is what makes a discussion alive.

Opinions are divided. On the one hand are the people who need a "Handpan" or a "Hangdrum" to make music. An instrument with different scales for their compositions. A few of them dont want to care about the history on the Hang and the feelings and wishes from PANArt. They are open for everything. A principle think is to have fun, piece and happyness. Critical questions are uncomfortable and interrupt the fun.

There are not only two sides. The world is colorful. There is not only black or white. I also like fun, party and music. I am for piece and happyness. But not at any cost.
I like it, if people have a closer look on important things. And the Hang is for me important. And because I love the Hang it is also important for me, to share my opinions. I remember very well, that it was the Hangsound who captered me a few years ago on a very special way.
It was not nice music or complex drumming on an "Handpan".

I searched for the Hang and on this way I meet also two artists who build these wonderfull instrument. A lot of speaks with them, reading everything what I could find about the Hang on internet and so on.... made me confident that the shape of the Hang, is not to seperate from Panart.
The shape is the fruit from the search from two humans (Felix and Sabina) , on their path of live. It is an very personally "fruit".
I cant ignore their vision, if I speak about the Hangcopys. Sorry.

Go to Panart and ask if they can make a "Handpan" for you.
Go to any serious Steelpanmaker and tell him about the history of "Handpan".
Or, much better, go with an Hang, Halo or Bell in the City from Port of Spain busking and tell the people that this is a "Handpan".
(I think you could make very impressive experiences, if you do this. )
Ask Panart if they make "Hangdrums".

I know that people have different opinions than I. Is this a reason for me to insult them? Not at any time.
Future will tell, if there is this "rift" RedHang speak about.

The Hang is now ten years old. A very young history. With the Integral Hang and much more with the Free Integral Hang we have a break. Time will tell on what way the Hang is. I am confident that it will be a story about love and piece. It is a piecefull instrument. The future from the Hang is in the hands of the future Hangplayers. It is good, that Panart is more carefull with the Hang and that they understand more and more, what they have in their hands.

Let there be light! ;)


The hang brings back what we lost: we are touched by an unknown call (Felix Rohner - Panart).

 Post subject: Re: Criticism of different hang viewpoints
PostPosted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 9:04 pm

Joined: Sun Apr 05, 2009 1:24 pm
Posts: 43
Frank, thank you for this thoughtful post. I remain ever grateful to Felix & Sabina for bringing the hang into my life. My request for a Free Integral Hang was rejected along with the requests of many others but I have not taken this personally. Perhaps one day this will change and I will be able to be part of the evolution of the hang once again. I own a 1st gen & 2nd gen hang. I share their sound in Sound Healing Sessions I host at my home. I am still hopeful that I will own a FIH some day. So I will sit in the silence and play & listen to what my hanghang have to say.

 Post subject: Re: Criticism of different hang viewpoints
PostPosted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 6:51 am

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Joined: Wed Apr 08, 2009 11:16 am
Posts: 135
RedHang wrote:
Can't we all just play the Hang and get along?

May we speak with our music and not our voices.

thank you !!!!!!

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