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 Post subject: Hang and Halo together...
PostPosted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 8:26 am

Joined: Thu Apr 09, 2009 10:44 pm
Posts: 93
Location: San Francisco, CA
Just posted this over at, but I thought I'd share it here as well, as my contribution to the topic of the Hang and the instruments inspired by it... :)

I'm currently at the Grand Canyon as an 'artist in residence' and spending a lot more time hiking, but I'm also getting more time than usual to play the two instruments I brought with me, my second-generation Hang (in the Integral tuning) and a Hijaz Halo (in B).

I've been really enjoying exploring combining them to get an extended harmonic range. (Some of you may have seen the couple of other recordings I have posted combining my Hang with a Kiavara Halo (in C)...) I thought I'd share a sketch I recorded earlier this evening, inspired by a lovely overnight back country camping trip I just took with my friend Angela.

We spent the night at Horn Creek, a wash over from the popular Bright Angel Trail, and were greeted by bats at sun down and giant butterflies at dawn. Only down side is that the creek seeps under the purest uranium deposit on the continent and the water is radioactive! :o

As per usual I wince listening back at my rhythmic irregularities, poor articulation, etc... but still like the piece itself well enough to share: ... oulder.mp3

For those interested in technical details, this was recorded with Sonic Studios DSM-1S/M head-worn near-binaural microphones and a Sony PCM-M10 solid state recorder. The stereo image probably wanders as I turn my head during play; the recording is from my own perspective.

I had the Halo in my lap and the Hang to my left side on the carpet (I was sitting cross-legged on the floor). To play both, neither was in its optimal position, of course (especially the Hang, which was not on my lap as it should be to sing...!) but I still do enjoy the results.

The instruments are tuned (B) F# G A# B C# D E F# and (D) A Bb C D E F A respectively (though on the Halo I didn't use the A# and on the Hang I avoid the Bb, E, F, and high A).

Three cheers for singing steel! :)



:: three cheers for singing steel! ::

 Post subject: Re: Hang and Halo together...
PostPosted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 4:02 pm

Joined: Sun Apr 05, 2009 11:57 am
Posts: 35
My's horrible !!!!

Warffff, i'm joking !!!

Very interesting playing an it

Thanks to share, Aaron

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